Program Guidelines
FSM transitional living Guidelines
FSM Transitional Living Guidelines
Section 1
Entry Fee:
All clients in need of services are required to submit an application for entry. When approved, the entry fee is $275.00.
Our normal office hours are Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm. You can reach us at (479) 877-5517. Our 24/7 hotline is (417) 527-3216
Section 2: Equal Opportunity
Freedom Seekers is in compliance with all Civil Rights Laws, and American Disability Act Law. We provide services without regard to race, gender, religion, age, national origin, genetic information, disability, or bias prohibited by state or federal law. Our facilities are handicap accessible, however, our transitional housing is not at this time.
Our clients have the same legal rights as anyone else. We are not an institution or a medical inpatient facility, however, upon approval, you agree to the ACC guidelines and will be held accountable for your actions. Any grievances of clients will be recorded, considered, and dealt with in a timely manner and with all parties involved.
Section 3: Confidentiality
Freedom Seekers is in compliance with all laws governing confidentiality.
1. All records are kept confidential in a locked office and locked file cabinets in our administrative office.
2. No disclosure is made without written and signed notification and consent from clients.
3. We reserve the right to release information in a medical emergency or an incident involving legal authorities such as probation and parole or law enforcement agencies.
4. In all such medical or legal incidents, only the relevant information will be released.
Section 4: General Guidelines
Profanity, theft, disrespectfulness, anger, temper, threats, inappropriate outburst, and disruptive behaviors will not be tolerated.
We reserve the right to evict anyone without notice for any of these rules being violated.
We reserve the right to do random drug and alcohol testing.
We reserve the right to evict anyone for any illegal unlawful activities inside or outside of the house. We can and will notify legal authorities for any and all offenses, as we see fit. No firearms are allowed on our properties.
Freedom Seekers is not a dating service or a matchmaker. We require and encourage you to focus on God and your sobriety while in this ministry. We will not honor any ungodly relationships or any sexual immorality and have a zero-tolerance policy in this regard.
For the first 30 days, you are required to surrender your cell phone. If you need to contact someone of importance or communicate with family, our leadership will allow calls with the house leader, within reason and at our discretion and approval. Once you receive your phone back you agree to install and keep Covenant Eyes and Life 360 on your phone while in the FSM program.
For the first 30 days, there will be no overnight or weekend passes. You must be meeting all financial obligations before any passes are approved. You are to communicate your schedule and whereabouts daily. After 30 days you may submit a written request to include contact numbers, addresses, and all details of travel and whereabouts. We reserve the right to not approve any pass if we determine or do not feel the conditions are safe. We strongly recommend that you separate yourself from all unhealthy, relationships, and temptations.
Our properties are tobacco-free. If you use tobacco, please do so in designated areas.
Individuals are required to do chores, upkeep, and maintain, with excellence, the inside and outside of the houses. Not fulfilling your part can and will lead to personal fines.
We have a disciplinary 3-strike rule. The first offense is a verbal warning, and the second and third are written warnings. Any offense after the last written warning will result in immediate eviction.
If anyone is aware of these rules being violated and does not report them, you are guilty by association. This affects the safety and success of everyone involved, it can and will lead to eviction.
In the event of an eviction, all personal belongings must be removed from the property immediately. We cannot store any belongings. We are not responsible for anything left behind.
We are interested in your success and will hold you accountable. We do monthly progress reports that include short-term goals, long-term goals, financial accountability, one-on-one counseling, and group counseling.
NOTE: The following is what we highly recommend and encourage to have success. These principles have proven to be successful for clients in our housing and individuals in our ministry.
A. Commit to prayer individually and/or with spouse 7 days a week. First thing in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. Set your alarm, write yourself a note, whatever you need to remember.
B. Commit to Bible reading and our curriculum five days a week at whatever time works for you (be consistent and schedule that time).
C. Be accountable, transparent, teachable, and honest with your counselors, friends, and family members who are willing to help. They are giving up their time to pray, encourage, and work with you. Remember they are not perfect, we all need Jesus and all of us are a work in progress.
D. Work a day shift job only with Sundays off. This is your life and your freedom at stake here. You may have to change jobs depending on the circumstances. Be accountable for all of your money. The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Become a giver and a tither. Become consistent and faithful in this. God will supply all your needs. No job or money is worth bondage, death, and destruction.
E. Disconnect and separate yourself from anyone who is not clean, sober, and does not have an active relationship with God. Be aware of triggers and any old thought patterns that could cause temptation. Recognize, be on guard, and shut down unhealthy phone contacts. This could mean shutting down your phone temporarily. Avoid or shut down all social media, ungodly music, and television. Avoid ungodly chatter, war stories, etc. that could promote negativity. Avoid idle time and stay busy in the Lord. Always be slow to speak and slow to anger.
Learn who you are, be honest, speak the truth, and forgive yourself. Learn how to rest in him, forgive others, be willing to fight, and make up your mind that you are not quitting. Make this an adventure, this can and will be a life-changing adventure full of joy if you allow it. Serving the living God is a privilege, not a job or a chore.
He loves you and the joy of The Lord is your strength. You can have fun and be happy in this process. Learn how to laugh. Don't be too serious or critical of every step in following JESUS. Let him show you the way. No one is perfect, the only way you lose is if you give up. NEVER GIVE UP. All things are possible and God is on your side. He will make you a success. Remember, it's about a love relationship with JESUS. He is alive and is inviting you to follow Him. He has plans for you now and into eternity.
We wish you nothing but success! - Pastor Ron Hutchins
Section 5: 90-Day Commitment Guidelines
1. Individuals will be interviewed before being accepted into our Transitional Living Programs. We require a 90-day minimum commitment of up to one year.
2. Individuals are required to work a full-time job, Monday through Saturday, 1st shift only, and be accountable for all income.
3. Individuals are required to complete all curriculum and participate in all meetings, church services, and special events.
4. Financial Requirements:
Rent is $90.00 per week including room and board, utilities, and basic food items. Transportation to and from work and ministry-related activities is $30 per week. Additional gas expenses will be required for personal transportation needs. (Note: If you are court-ordered by A.C.C. all policies and guidelines regarding financial assistance will be enforced according to their recommendations.)
A. You are required to seek employment within the first 14 days of arriving. Until employment is obtained you will be expected to volunteer your time for various ministry jobs and community services as needed. We will help you find employment but it is your responsibility to do all you can to seek and find gainful employment.
B. When employment is obtained all income is to be accounted for and surrendered to Freedom Seekers Ministry. Your funds will be set up on an account until you fulfill your commitment and obligations to Freedom Seekers. The entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
C. All additional saved funds acquired after fulfilling financial obligations, and after weekly expenses and ten percent tithe will be returned by check within 30 days, following completion of the 90-day commitment. There are no refunds for any reason. If you decide to leave or you are dismissed before the 90/60-day or one-year commitment is complete, you agree to forfeit any remaining funds in your savings account to Freedom Seekers Ministry as a donation. (NO REFUNDS)
D. Effective on your first check, or as soon as you have funds available in your account, you will be allotted $50.00 per week for personal expenses. When you are fulfilling your financial obligations to FSM, you will be allotted additional grocery expenses and any legal expenses such as fines, child support, and miscellaneous fees.
E. After completing the 90-day commitment, you are required to put in a 30-day notice. If no notice is given within one week, you have committed to our 6-month to one-year program.
Section 6: 6 Months to One Year Guidelines
After the completion of the 90 days, an individual has the choice to remain and commit to 6 months to one year. We still encourage those who choose to leave transitional living to continue to be involved with the ministry.
The 6 months to one-year discipleship program will include responsibilities and expectations. This period will include setting and achieving short and long-term goals, budgeting, spiritual growth studies, mentorship, and more involvement in our ministry teams and meetings.
A. Short-term goals will be goals that can be achieved in one month
B. Long-term goals will be goals achieved in 3 - 9 months.
C. Spiritual growth studies will include an in-depth study of the Word, consistent personal devotion time, preparation of sermons, and journaling.
D. Mentorship will involve taking on a few people to mentor through prayer, spending time with them, staying in communication, and finding out their needs and shortcomings to help them grow strong in Christ.
E. Leading ministry meetings on rotation will be expected. Taking an active role in a ministry team and helping to further develop it, whether by leading or by fulfilling the critical needs of a team, will be expected.
Section 7: Record Keeping
All records are uniform and kept secured and double-locked in bound form and chronically ordered, signed, and dated. All are marked confidential.
All records are only accessible by approved staff members of FSM.
All records will be kept up to 5 years upon discharge and will then be destroyed and discarded.
Section 8: Law Enforcement Partnership
1. ACC will be notified immediately of all offenders who abscond and or drop out of the FSM program.
2. FSM will submit progress reports to the Probation office monthly no later than the 5th of each month.
3. In an emergency, law enforcement will be notified, and then ACC and pre-approved family members.
4. We will not accept any ACC offenders without prior authorization from ACC, Courts, or the Parole board.
5. All out-of-county or state passes must be approved by ACC.
6. Any unlawful verbal abuse, physical violence, sexual assault, substance use, destruction of property, etc. are grounds for dismissal and possible prosecution.
7. All contraband such as porn-related, profanity, demonic paraphernalia, clothing, reading material, DVDs, games, etc. are considered contraband and will not be allowed.
Section 9: Staff
1. All staff must fill out and submit an application and/or resume.
2. All staff will be interviewed and all backgrounds and references will be checked before interviewing.
3. To qualify an individual must have a proven track record in some capacity in one or more of the following fields: Christian ministry, drug, and alcohol counseling, healthcare, or law enforcement. They must also be willing to volunteer and serve in this ministry prior to becoming a volunteer staff member or a paid staff member.
4. We also hire within the ministry based on personal experience, faithfulness, and servanthood.
5. We honor all legal employee rights and believe there is no greater benefit than helping and being a part of restoring humanity and families.
6. We are engaged in several facets of ministry with ongoing training, discipleship, and community outreach. We are active in substance abuse training, jail, and prison ministry. We strive to be part of the solution and the link between church and state in recovery success.
7. We have a 3-strike policy on disciplinary actions and/or termination for all staff positions except for immediate termination for all of our zero-tolerance policies.
Section 10: Property Maintenance
1. FSM transitional Houses are located in and around Rogers, Arkansas.
2. We have several mini-vans registered and insured for ministry transportation.
3. We have fire extinguishers and a first aid kit for the house, available for all clients.
4. We have liability and auto insurance for property and housing.
5. Only approved licensed drivers will be transporting clients.
6. All electrical, plumbing, propane, etc. have been replaced or inspected and are in good working condition.
Section 11: Emergency Disaster Plan
1. In the event of a fire, all clients must exit the house in one of the three exits depending on which is closest. Everyone will meet by road for a headcount by our house coordinator.
2. In the event of a tornado, all must meet in the center of the houses together for a headcount.
3. We will conduct emergency drills at random per quarter of each year.
4. Emergency training once a year will be mandatory for all staff members.